




Amman 安曼

Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹

Athens 雅典

Atlanta 亚特兰大

Auckland 奥克兰

Bangkok 曼谷

Barcelona 巴塞罗那

Beijing 北京

Beirut 贝鲁特

Berlin 柏林

Boston 波士顿

Brussels 布鲁塞尔

Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯

Cairo 开罗

Cape Town 开普敦

Casablanca 达尔贝达(卡萨布兰卡)

Colombo 科伦坡

Copenhagen 哥本哈根

Damascus 大马士革

Dar es Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆

Dubai 迪拜

Edmonton 埃德蒙顿

Frankfurt 法兰克福

Geneva 日内瓦

Guangzhou 广州

Hanoi 河内

Helsinki 赫尔辛基

Hong Kong 香港

Houston 休斯顿

Islamabad 伊斯兰堡

Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔

Jakarta 雅加达

Johannesburg 约翰内斯堡

Kathmandu 加德满都

Kiev 基辅

Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

Kuwait 科威特

Kyoto 京都

Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯

Lisbon 里斯本

London 伦敦

Los Angeles 洛杉矶

Macao 澳门

Madrid 马德里

Melbourne 墨尔本

Mexico City 墨西哥城

Miami 迈阿密

Milan 米兰

Montreal 蒙特利尔

Moscow 莫斯科

Mumbai 孟买

Nairobi 内罗毕

New Delhi 新德里

New York 纽约

Nursultan 努尔苏坦

Ottawa 渥太华

Paris 巴黎

Pyongyang 平壤

Riyadh 利雅得

Rome 罗马

San Fransisco 旧金山

Seattle 西雅图

Seoul 首尔

Shanghai 上海

Singapore 新加坡

Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩

Sydney 悉尼

Taipei 台北

Tehran 德黑兰

Tokyo 东京

Toronto 多伦多

Tunis 突尼斯

Ulan Bator 乌兰巴托

Vancouver 温哥华

Vienna 维也纳

Vladivostok 海参崴(符拉迪沃斯托克)

Washington D.C. 华盛顿

Wellington 惠灵顿

Winnipeg 温尼伯

Yangon 仰光

Zurich 苏黎世


英语初级听力答案 (listen to this1)22~25课的答案 谁给我发一下 万分感谢
















Life in the USA:

Customs and habits

Meeting someone

When meeting someone for the first time, it is customary to shake hands, both for men and for women. Hugs are only exchanged between close friends. Kissing is not common, and men never kiss other men.

Americans will usually introduce themselves by their first name and last name (such as “Hello, I’m John Smith”), or, if the setting is very casual, by their first name only (“Hi, I’m John”). The common response when someone is introduced to you is “Pleased to meet you.” Unless someone is introduced to you with their title and last name (such as Mister Smith or Miss Johnson), you should address them by their first name. Americans normally address everyone they meet in a social or business setting by their first name. However, you should always address your college professors by their title and last name (such as Professor Jones), unless they ask you to do otherwise.

Speaking on the telephone

Americans normally answer the telephone by simply saying "Hello". If you are calling a business, the person answering the phone will give the name of the business and usually their own name as well. If the person you would like to speak to has answered the phone, you should say hello and state your name. If not, you should ask for that person politely: “May I please speak with Andrew Brown?”

The majority of Americans have answering machines in their homes. Also, the majority of businesses have voice mail accounts for their employees. When leaving a message, state your name clearly and leave a telephone number where you can be reached. Telephone messages should be brief and to the point.

Eating out

All restaurants in America accept cash for payment, and most (even some fast food restaurants) also accept credit cards. A few restaurants also accept ATM cards for payment. You will rarely find a restaurant that accepts checks.

It is common to have to wait for a table at a popular restaurant. There are many popular restaurants that do not accept reservations, or will only accept reservations for large parties (for example, six or more people). At these restaurants, the wait can be very long on a weekend night, sometimes up to 1 hour. However, almost all upscale, or more formal, restaurants will accept reservations.

Many restaurants in America (except for fast food restaurants) have a license to serve alcohol. Beer and wine are always available, and at some restaurants hard liquor (such as vodka or whisky) is also available. Restaurants that serve hard liquor are said to have “a full bar.” The drinking age in America is 21. If you look young, be prepared to show proof of your age when ordering alcohol.


There are only a few situations where tipping is expected. The one you will encounter most often is at restaurants. American restaurants do not add a service charge to the bill. Therefore it is expected that the customer will leave a tip for the server. Common practice is to leave a tip that is equal to 15% of the total bill for acceptable service, and about 20% for superior service. If the service was unusually poor, then you could leave a smaller tip, about 10%.

Other professions where tipping is expected include hairdressers, taxi drivers, hotel porters, parking valets, and bartenders. The general rule is to tip approximately 15% of the bill. In situations where there is no bill (as with hotel porters and parking valets), the tip may range from $1 to $5, depending on the type of establishment and on how good the service was.


Smoking is not as common in America as in many other countries. Generally, Americans smoke less than Europeans and much less than Asians. It is a practice that is becoming less and less socially acceptable.

Smoking is prohibited in many places. It is not allowed in any public buildings, on any public transportation (including airplane flights within the United States), in shops, movie theaters, schools, and office buildings. The general rule is if you are indoors, then you probably are not allowed to smoke. The exceptions are bars, nightclubs, and some restaurants. If a restaurant does allow smoking, it will only be in an area that is designated for smokers. If you are with someone, even outdoors, it is polite to ask if they mind before you start smoking.

The legal smoking age in America is 18. If you are buying cigarettes (or another tobacco product) and you look young, the store clerk is required by law to ask you for proof of legal age. You should be prepared to provide identification.



An American studying in China had an appointment at noon. As he was getting on his bicycle a Chinese friend passed by. "吃了吗?" the young Chinese asked. This, of course, is a common Chinese greeting around meal time and the American merely nodded with a smile, waved goodbye and went off. He realized that his friend' s remark was nothing more than a Chinese way of saying Hello or Hi. If the greeting had been put literally into English "Have you eaten yet?" Or " Have you had your lunch? " It would have sounded rather unusual. To Americans, this greeting might mean this: "I haven't either. Come on, let' s go together and get something to eat." or "If you haven' t, I was just going to invite you to my place." In other words, it could indicate an invitation to a meal.

Actually , another foreign student who had not been long in China once complained in broken Chinese:" 你们为什么老问我吃了饭没有?我有钱。"To his way of thinking, people were concerned that he was not getting his meals properly because of lack of money. Clearly, he was offended. There is a similar Chinese greeting, such as ”上哪儿去啊?””到哪儿去啦?” which if translated literally, would be "Where are yon going?" Or "Where have you been?" The natural reaction of most English-speaking people to this greeting would most likely be "It' s none of your business!"

Fortunately, not all greetings sound strange or arouse displeasure. Many are similar , some are merely different. While greetings in many languages often indicate the time of day, there may be inconsistencies within a language. English has Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening but not Good noon. And Good night is not a greeting at all, but an expression of farewell
































①注重 讲究菜肴的香和脆,注重菜肴量少质精。

②口味 一般不喜太咸,爱甜和微辣味。

③主食 以面食为主,爱吃中国的烧麦、锅贴、炒面和米饭,也乐于品尝各种点心和面包。 ④副食 爱吃牛肉、斗羊肉、猪肉、鹿肉、鸡、鸭、鱼、虾、海参、蛋类、野味品等;蔬菜喜欢葱头、黄瓜、青菜、西红柿、柿子椒、酸菜等;调料受用茴香、奶油、果酱、番茄酱、盐等。

⑤制法 对炸、煎、焖、烤、烹、炒等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。

⑥中餐 喜爱中国的苏菜、京菜。

⑦菜谱 很欣赏伴黄瓜洋粉、番茄鱼饼、妙鲜奶、煎牛舌、炸春卷、素烧玉瓜、烤鸭、清蒸鸡、酱爆肉丁、红烧牛肉、香酥鸡、炒肉拉皮、氽锅子、表椒肉丝等风味菜肴。

⑧水酒 爱喝酒,尤以葡萄酒、白兰地更乐于品尝;对饮料中的咖啡、可可、酸牛奶也很喜欢;茶类偏爱香片花茶。

⑨果品 对果品中的草莓、葡萄、菠萝、枇杷、荔枝、苹果、桔子等乐于品尝;干果喜欢花生米等。


芬兰赫尔辛基(Helsinki) 天气预报








北欧十月中下旬已经基本是深秋和初冬了。 以今年十月份中下旬的天气预报为例: 挪威首都奥斯陆晴天也就是5-12摄氏度的样子,雨天更是只有2-4度。 芬兰首都赫尔辛基的温度和奥斯陆差不多,10月19日居然出现了-2-5摄氏度的零下温度,其余时候最高温度也只有10度左右。 地处偏南的丹麦首都哥本哈根则更暖和一些,十月下旬是5-15摄氏度的样子。


这是五一期间,北欧大致的天气!丹麦 哥本哈根 阵雨 14℃/18℃ 多云 13℃/18℃ 多云 13℃/18℃ 少云 13℃/21℃ 少云 13℃/21℃ 奥尔胡斯 阵雨 12℃/17℃ 少云 12℃/17℃ 少云 11℃/18℃ 少云 11℃/20℃ 少云 11℃/20℃ 欧登塞 阵雨 13℃/18℃ 少云 12℃/17℃ 多云 11℃/18℃ 少云 11℃/21℃ 少云 11℃/21℃ 奥尔堡 多云 13℃/17℃ 少云 12℃/17℃ 少云 12℃/18℃ 少云 12℃/21℃ 少云 12℃/21℃ 埃斯比约 阵雨 12℃/17℃ 多云 12℃/17℃ 阵雨 11℃/16℃ 少云 11℃/19℃ 少云 11℃/20℃ 努克(格陵兰) 瑞典 斯德哥尔摩 雷阵雨 15/20℃ 阵雨 15℃/20℃ 少云 14℃/20℃ 少云 12℃/17℃ 少云 12℃/17℃ 哥德堡 阵雨 13℃/17℃ 多云 13℃/17℃ 阵雨 12℃/17℃ 少云 12℃/20℃ 少云 12℃/20℃ 马尔默 阵雨 14℃/18℃ 阵雨 13℃/18℃ 多云 13℃/18℃ 少云 13℃/21℃ 少云 13℃/21℃ 乌普萨拉 阵雨 13℃/20℃ 阵雨 13℃/20℃ 少云 13℃/20℃ 少云 13℃/22℃ 少云 14℃/22℃ 基津纳 挪威 奥斯陆 多云 13℃/18℃ 阵雨 12℃/16℃ 阵雨 11℃/18℃ 少云 11℃/20℃ 多云 12℃/20℃ 卑尔根 阵雨 11℃/14℃ 阵雨 11℃/14℃ 阵雨 11℃/15℃ 阵雨 11℃/16℃ 多云 12℃/16℃ 斯塔万格 多云 12℃/15℃ 多云 11℃/15℃ 少云 11℃/16℃ 多云 11℃/17℃ 多云 12℃/17℃ 特隆赫姆 阵雨 12℃/19℃ 阵雨 12℃/17℃ 阵雨 11℃/18℃ 阵雨 11℃/20℃ 阴 12℃/21℃ 特罗姆瑟 阵雨 12℃/18℃ 阵雨 12℃/18℃ 雷阵雨 10/20℃ 少云 10℃/20℃ 多云 10℃/21℃ 朗伊尔城 芬兰 赫尔辛基 少云 15℃/21℃ 阵雨 13℃/19℃ 阵雨 12℃/21℃ 少云 12℃/23℃ 少云 13℃/24℃ 图尔库 多云 15℃/20℃ 阵雨 14℃/18℃ 雷阵雨 13/21℃ 少云 13℃/22℃ 少云 13℃/23℃ 坦佩雷 多云 15℃/20℃ 小阵雨 13/18℃ 阵雨 12℃/21℃ 少云 12℃/23℃ 少云 12℃/23℃ 拉赫蒂 少云 15℃/21℃ 小阵雨 15/20℃ 小阵雨 14/21℃ 少云 14℃/22℃ 少云 13℃/21℃ 波尔沃 奥鲁 阵雨 15℃/20℃ 多云 14℃/18℃ 多云 13℃/21℃ 少云 13℃/22℃ 少云 13℃/22℃ 冰岛 雷克雅未克 阵雨 8℃/11℃ 阵雨 9℃/12℃ 阵雨/风 8/12℃ 小雨 8℃/11℃ 中雨 8℃/12℃ 阿库雷里 阴 8℃/13℃ 阵雨 9℃/13℃ 大风 7℃/13℃ 大风 7℃/13℃ 阴 8℃/13℃

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发布于 2022-08-22 10:08:40
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