帕克 足球(帕克广告足球)

本篇文章给大家谈谈帕克广告足球,以及帕克 足球对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。



斯科特·帕克在大伦敦兰贝斯(Lambeth)出生。于13岁时,他在麦当劳为1994年世界杯而拍摄的英国广告中表演“不着地控球”(keepie uppie)。帕克在丽乐索(Lilleshall)现已停办由英格兰足球总会管理的“足总优材学校”(The Football Association's School of Excellence)的毕业生,前后期的同学有迪福、奥云、乔·科尔、索尔·坎贝尔、卡拉格、韦斯·布朗、安迪·科尔等。


在2000年10月31日至11月30日期间曾被租借给诺维奇队一个月,在效力诺维奇城期间,帕克在对谢周三取得1个入球。当帕克外借期满返回山谷球场(The Valley)后,他随即获征召加入一队代

替因伤缺阵的队长马克·金塞拉(Mark Kinsella)。帕克的表现出色,导致伤愈后的金塞拉无法取回首发席位,他迅速成为球队中场一只重要棋子,帕克为查尔顿总共上场145场及射入10球。帕克一直是查尔顿队的中场核心。2003年,在帕克的带领下,查尔顿队获得了英超联赛的第七名,成功的杀入欧洲联盟杯,帕克也凭借着出彩的表现荣获赛季最佳新人奖。





2006年7月帕克获纽卡斯尔联时任主教练罗德尔委任为球队队长。虽然纽卡斯尔联的状态低迷,但帕克凭表现于9月在缺席两年后获得英格兰国家队重召。同年12月天空体育(Sky Sports)及“Opta指数”(Opta Index)表示帕克是国内次佳的球员,他带领纽卡斯尔联透过欧洲足联国际托托杯一直晋级到欧洲联盟杯16强,是所有托托杯晋级球队之冠,因而于2007年3月在16强首回合4-2击败阿尔克马尔赛前获颁赠托托杯总冠军荣誉。


2009年5月24日帕克被西汉姆联球迷票选为“2008/09年年度最佳球员”(Hammer of the Year),2009/10年赛季帕克持续有优异演出,先后4次获选俱乐部每月最佳球员(SBOBET Player of the Month)。2010-11赛季,西汉姆联最后排名垫底降级到英冠,但是帕克的表现依然得到了肯定,赛季末他获得了英国记者协会(FWA)评选的最佳球员称号。

2011年8月31日在英超转会窗口最后一天,帕克确定从降级到英冠的西汉姆联转会至英超球队托特纳姆热刺队,转会费大约600万英镑。加盟热刺的第一场与狼队进行的一场英超联赛,帕克便奉献一次精彩的助攻,帮助球队在客场取胜。在加盟热刺前十场比赛,帮助球队取得十战八胜一平一负的骄人战绩,并因为自己的优异发挥,当选11月份最佳球员。 赛季 俱乐部 号码 联赛出场 联赛进球 联赛等级 排名 2011/12 托特纳姆热刺 8 8 0 1 4 2011/12 西汉姆联 8 4 1 2 -- 2010/11 西汉姆联 8 32 5 1 20 2009/10 西汉姆联 8 31 2 1 14 2008/09 西汉姆联 8 28 1 1 9 2007/08 西汉姆联 8 16 1 1 10 2006/07 纽卡斯尔 17 29 3 1 13 2005/06 纽卡斯尔 17 26 1 1 7 2004/05 切尔西 19 4 0 1 1 2003/04 切尔西 19 11 1 1 2 2003/04 查尔顿运动 7 20 2 1 7 2002/03 查尔顿运动 7 28 4 1 12 2001/02 查尔顿运动 7 38 1 1 14 2000/01 诺维奇 7 6 1 2 15 2000/01 查尔顿运动 7 20 1 1 9 1999/00 查尔顿运动 7 15 1 2 1 1998/99 查尔顿运动 7 4 0 1 18 1997/98 查尔顿运动 7 3 0 2 4



视频 :



They say a family that prays together, stays together.

And one that walks apart just falls apart.

So, together we stand, divided we fall.

United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let`s move.

Yes, the birds left the nest.

I`m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest.

Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah.

A legacy is what we trying to leave.

Ya dig?

Now say goodbye to the past.

The future is here at last.

The second coming.

The new beginning.

The truth is speaking.

You should listen.

So glorious.


We take what we want we born warriors.

So glorious,


We take what we want we born warriors.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

We tired of being runners up.

We coming up. Yup.

We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever.

Blood, sweat, tears, yeah.

We dripped all three just to get here.

No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished.

It`s staring right at me, I must take advantage.

Hard work pays off, you get what you put in.

So why stop now?

Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing.

We in a fight to the finish,

So why not fight 'til you finished?

Dig it?

I?m my own author, here?s my story.

My life?s been full of pain,

Now where`s my glory?

So glorious.


We take what we want we born warriors.

So glorious.


We take what we want we born warriors.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.


科比 ,JAMES, 纳什,马里昂,帕克,小奥,小斯,拉希德 华莱士,皮尔斯,克里斯 保罗.




They say a family that prays together, stays together.

And one that walks apart just falls apart.

So, together we stand, divided we fall.

United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let`s move.

Yes, the birds left the nest.

I`m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest.

Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah.

A legacy is what we trying to leave.

Ya dig?

Now say goodbye to the past.

The future is here at last.

The second coming.

The new beginning.

The truth is speaking.

You should listen.

So glorious.


We take what we want we born warriors.

So glorious,


We take what we want we born warriors.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

We tired of being runners up.

We coming up. Yup.

We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever.

Blood, sweat, tears, yeah.

We dripped all three just to get here.

No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished.

It`s staring right at me, I must take advantage.

Hard work pays off, you get what you put in.

So why stop now?

Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing.

We in a fight to the finish,

So why not fight 'til you finished?

Dig it?

I?m my own author, here?s my story.

My life?s been full of pain,

Now where`s my glory?

So glorious.


We take what we want we born warriors.

So glorious.


We take what we want we born warriors.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

If you fall, get up and try it again.

If you drop, get up and try it again.

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发布于 2022-08-15 07:08:47
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